
Monday, 17 November 2014

Athletics day

On Friday we had Athletics day.We had to sit in  our year lines.We went to skipping first  where we had to skip around the cones. Then we had to skip to the middle and do different skipping moves.After skipping we went to high jump and we had to jump over the bar. It was too easy for me. If we hit the bar we didn’t make it in. After that we went to shotput. I came first and second place.Then we went to running and I came third.After that we went back to the court and sat down on the pavement before we went to class. We had free time on our net books.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

paint our broad.

We first do is do the Maori designs on the middle of our paper.When we do that we had to do our culture were your mum and dad from your culture.
After that we had to get our net book and draw  our culture on our net book and we had to copy it on our paper.After when we fished that we had to colour it in.When we colour it in we had to copy the our culture drawing on our paper and we had to put on our broad.After that we had to paint our broad After paint our broad we had to make it dry then we had to put black vied on the lien on our broad.

Thursday, 23 October 2014


We wear  a sunhat when it’s a hot day outside or at the beach or when we go somewhere.We wear a sunhat because it  keeps  your skin dry and also you don't  get sunburn  from the sun.When it is summer you have to wear a sunhat.If you don't wear a sun hat your skin will get burnt from the sun .If you don’t have a sunhat or hat you still play around and  your body will get burnt from the sun  but if you go in shade your skin won’t get burnt. If you wear no hat you will get in trouble from your mum or dad.But if we wear a hat you won’t get burnt from sun.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

school rules

When we have school rules we need to respect each other and help each other.When you need help someone will help you do your work on your netbook. When someone is mean to you ignore them and walk away .When someone talks about you go up to them and talk about it with them. If there was no rules everyone will be mean to each other and everyone will be in trouble.When  a teacher talks to you, listen to her.When you have  friends you need to be nice and good and kind to them. We need rules to be safe and to respect everyone. When our school is happy that means we are respecting each other.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

how our movie was made.

First Mr Jacobsen came inside  our  literacy  room.We had to vote for our favourite sports  in the commonwealth games.  Six boys voted for running and four girls voted for netball so Mr Jacobsen said we had to go for running.After that we went on our chromebooks to draw us running and we had to colour the background green.Next  we had to make our movie about what  makes a champion. Angelica was the runner and she never stopped running and Pou was the cameraman. He was a good cameramen.After that we went to Mrs Nua’s classroom to make our movie and we watched the people running.When we made our movie Angelica was thinking that she wanted to be a champion .After that we  went  to our  literacy  room  and we had to  practise talking about our movie and what goes into making a champion.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

My school holiday

In the holidays I went to my cousin’s white Sunday. After that I went to my cousin’s class and  learnt about our heavenly father.After that we went to my cousin ‘s primary class and we all had to sing. After we sang the primary class went to a photo taken of them. After that my cousin ‘s  teacher asked someone do the pray and sing. So my cousins sang the song and we all sang together.  After we sang a boy did the prayer and we all closed our eyes. After church  I went to sleep over at my cousin ‘s house.  After that me and my two cousins had to get changed.When we get changed my nana said, “Come and eat.” We went and the food was so yummy. It was so fun at my cousin ‘s house.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


On Thursday we went to the museum.When got to the museum we have to get into a group.When  we got in group we went to look at the fishes swimming around. After that we went to the library and read about soldiers and war.After that we went to the volcano we went inside the house and we had to wait for the Tv to started.When the Tv came on it was all about  the volcano on the news.After that the Tv went off and house  was shaking and the lights went off and on.After that we went to the  Domain to eat our lunch .When we had finished our lunch we went to the marae and sang to the teachers but first we have to take off our shoes. At the marae we went to sit down on the mat and we had to make two lines and one row is called manuhiri and the other row is tangata whenua. After that we went back to school.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The family having a party

One day Lily said to her family we should have a family party.So they did and Lily  and her sister Chloe were making food and drink for the family party. When the food and drink were ready Lily’s family came and got some food and drink. There was lots of mess outside.
After that it was the morning so Lily’s family came outside to pick up the rubbish. Lily’s brother Max  was chucking the rubbish  around  and her sister Chloe told Max to stop chucking the rubbish around.
When they had picked up the rubbish it was all clean outside.

Monday, 25 August 2014

The Ugly cat and the Bird

One day  an ugly cat was a awake.It opened its eyes. Then he saw the bird in front of him. After that the bird was flying over the pool and the ugly cat was chasing the bird. Then the ugly cat fell into the pool. He was sad because he didn’t catch the bird .

Friday, 22 August 2014

Zip's Cool Invention

                                    this a fan that I make in my Reading class .

Thursday, 14 August 2014

My tens and Onces

Hi this is my tens and onces I done this at math in class 6

Thursday, 7 August 2014

The old hollow tree


                                   Hi this is a story about the old hollow tree it is all about zeek and zakand zo.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The Tree horse.

This is my story about the tree horse it is about a the two girl.I hop you like it.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

ice challege

In the holiday on Friday my mum and aunt were first to do the Ice challenge. They had to put their feet in the bucket  and my sister and cousin tipped the water on them .After that it was my big   brother and sister doing the lce challenge .They  had to put their feet in the bucket too.Then my sister and cousin tipped the water on them

Friday, 27 June 2014

Brave triceratops

Screenshot 2014-06-27 at 10.52.26.pngTyrannosaurus rex had sharp
teeth and he eats dinosaur.Tyrannosaurus rex is very fiercety.

Triceratops had thee sharp horns and he is a very brave triceratops.Screenshot 2014-06-27 at 11.00.04.png

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

In the Weekend

In the Weekend I went to my cousin’s house and slept over there .But we had to get changed so we can go to church. My aunty came with her car and she took us to church so me and my cousins had to sit down. A men told us this game call North and South.  You had to jump over the right line. If he called South you had to jump over the south line and the same for north. There needed to be 10 or more to play the game.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

When I got up this morning

In the morning I woke up and I  get ready for school.I went outside and it was freezing and cold.We went inside the car to go to school.When we got to school we went to play netball and it was so hot when the sun came out. After that I went to class and got my netbook and I was doing math whizz.

Monday, 19 May 2014


Me and  my family made a raft out of wood.We made the raft  for the sea.In the morning we went to the beach we saw the raft was gone.It was on the water floating.After that  the sunset came and the raft was gone. We looked for it.The raft was on the sand. We were so happy that we had found the raft.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Listen to the kids

Lying on their tummies Tasi and
Fa’afouina  were looking at the silver fish in the water.Then two grown ups came with their  boat and the boat scared the fish way.Tasi said,  “Look  at the boat. There is a hole in the boat. It is sinking and sinking in the water.”

The fish were swimming around in the boat eating the bait.Screenshot 2014-05-12 at 10.16.04.png

Monday, 14 April 2014

Easter would be different

On Easter a dragon named was Jack putting on a rabbit’s costume. He went to people’s homes and gave them easter eggs.He put the easter eggs on the tree. The  girl’s name was Lily. She went outside and looked for the easter eggs.Then Lily looked up in the tree and saw the easter eggs.She took the easter eggs and  went inside and ate them.  

Thursday, 10 April 2014

our Fiafia Night

My name is Melaia and I was in the Hawaiian group.The moves were different and the music was beautiful. Our song was about the Mountain.  My favourite group was the Samoans. The best dancers in the  Samoan group were Rowana and Elizabeth. They were very good dancers.   

Monday, 7 April 2014


Miguel and katy at the beach

Miguel and Katy went to the beach they looked into  the water.They saw a stingray and a fish. Katy looked at the crab on the sand and the crab was looking to the right. Katy and Miguel were making a sandcastle. Miguel and Katy said,“It is fun at the beach.”

Monday, 31 March 2014


On Thursday we made a ladybug.First we coloured the ladybug red and the spots black on our paper.Then we cut out our ladybug and the pieces. After that we glued our ladybug onto our yellow paper.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The crane at work

I saw the crane shift room 2 and room 4.It was enormous. When they shifted room 2 and room 4 we were taking photos on our net book.After that we went back to our room.The crane looked  like a sky tower.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Camp 2014

At camp we went to get change inside our tent.After that we went to the beach for our  kayak and then we went  down to the beach and listen  to Mr Burt But first we put on our lifegacket  Be four  we put our lifegacket we go inside the kayak.After that we go back to school and get change inside our tent.It was fun.

Thursday, 6 March 2014


When I woke up it was a sunny day.We went to buy food at the shop.After that we went to Swimarama  and  I saw my cousin swimming  inside the pools.Me and my cousin went inside the tunnel. It was dark inside the tunnel.When we went inside the tunnel we went to have a swim with my little cousin.She was so happy because it was fun for her.Me and my cousin got out of the pools because my Mum said, “Come out of the pools because we need to go home.” We got changed and after that we got inside the van. It was fun at the pools.         

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Why I use my WITS

At school I was walking to class and people were mean to me. I walked away but they kept on coming. My  teacher  said, “Come and we will talk about it.” My teacher said, “You have to ignore  them.” I said, “OK.” Me and my friend were walking to get our net books.
The mean kids was still after me and so I needed to seek help. We ran into  the class and we told the teacher.

The life of a Monarch Butterfly

A swan plant is where a mother Monarch Butterfly lays its eggs.The caterpillar eats and eats. It gets fat and the skin starts to come off.After that the caterpillar changes into a pupa.Soon it is a Monarch Butterfly and it comes out from the pupa.When the wings dry it changes into a butterfly.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Butler fly life Cycle

I am going to animate the life cycle of a butler fly.Here is my story board.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


In the the holiday I went to the movie with my family and my cousin  people gift us free big chocolate at the movie we were eating It.We were watching a kids movie at pt england beach.We were play  on the park.We was share our chocolate with my cousin.I went to paint my face my paint was a sunflower.We went to a man to get a balloon.We went back home we had lots of fun at the movie.